Thursday 10 March 2011

Lee: Never Wasted


"With the relevance of eco-friendly initiatives increasing every day, Lee wanted an innovative solution that would display their affiliation towards the same and also spread the message amongst their customers.
To drive the message home in a fun and effective way, we went for something a bit more inventive than just a bag made of recycled paper. The ‘Never Wasted’ shopping bag that can be reused in one way or another. Some for fun, some for function, but nothing ever goes into the trash. Not only did this make the idea long-lasting and interactive but also conveyed the message in a fascinating manner. A surge in interest from patrons forced us to produce 100 times more bags than the initial production of 3,000 bags."

I really love this idea because shopping bags are a pretty huge waste of materials when we all have hundreds of perfectly good plastic bags stuffed in drawers at home and several canvas 'bags for life' that we bought and simply never use. If a shopping bag must be made however, it should be like this one and every part of it should have a secondary usage. It's both practical and fun for the user.

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