Thursday 12 May 2011

Bags and Bars and Business Cards, Oh my!

The original chocolate bar packaging with the lines of the cardboard going straight up, they don't seem quite right so I'm going to look into this a little bit later.

Gift bags! Using the same tags as the chocolate boxes and this works quite well for me. They have a 'To and From' form on the inside which I will show when I do my proper product shots.

A flat chocolate box as opposed to the shaped ones, to add a little more variety to the range. These are also constructed with no glue and they're actually pretty strong and durable, and are just a series of folds more than anything.

I tried making different shaped chocolate bars (they're actually cardboard wrapped in tinfoil) but they don't look right at all, so no.

I worked out what was wrong with the bars from before. The corrugated card wasn't consistent, because the lines run diagonally on all my other products, so I changed it on the bars to run diagonally and it's fixed all the issues I had with it. A little harder to fold this way, but I think I made it work.

Still going with the cardboard and wanting to try a little more consistency within the stationery, I backed a business card onto it and it actually worked pretty nicely, but I feel that perhaps it's a little unrealistic for a business card?

It works better on the darker card.

Diagonally definitely works better than straight. It looks classier and far more considered.

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