Tuesday 24 May 2011

Further stock testing

Now that we have the colour that we want to use for the shop colour, we decided on some colour schemes for each of the ranges and printed them onto a sheet of the stock to see how they worked out and is they were legible, etc.

The value range of just the purple colour on the stock works really well and we're pretty happy with it. It's clear, legible and it looks really nice against the stock, so we're happy to use this colour scheme for the value range. It's basic, but it doesn't look tacky or bad quality like a lot of supermarket value ranges.

For the mid range we tried out using the purple as a solid colour and printing the information in 'white' which would simply be the stock.

For the prime range, we wanted it to be black and use more than just the one colour, so we coloured part of the text to be the colour of the product, this worked out really nicely and we're pretty happy with how it turned it.

Most mid-ranges in supermarkets aren't a single colour across the range, that is usually reserved for the value range so we are a little reluctant to use the purple across the range, so instead we have used the tomato red that we used on the prime box as a solid colour. We're much happier with how this one has turned out and feel that it works much better.

Mocked up on the tins.

The red one didn't print quite to the bottom of the page, which is why there is a blank band at the bottom of the tin, but it's just a mock up so it's not important at this stage. These are the designs that we're happy to take forward.

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